Sunday, June 22, 2008

New Toys!

Well, we finally bit the bullet & purchased a new dishwasher & vacuum. I have never been so excited to vacuum in my life! Pip installed the dishwasher Saturday afternoon, and it has been working like a dream. Don't know how we did without it for so long. It doesn't leak like the old one either. It is an LG 12 setting one. We were pretty lucky with the price of both. Gotto love big sales. The vacuum is a Dyson - I will never go back to anything else. We could not believe just how many times we had to empty it - actually 8 times just for the lounge, dining room, hall & master bedroom! Yuck! The pictures are catalogue ones, we are having some problems with the camera, so had to get pictures online.


Lys said...

Ahh the first of this month's three posts! Glad to hear that you're back online and enjoying your new toys. Can't wait to have some of my own.

Lys said... where's the next post in July?? I think you're running behind!! It's almost August!